Mar 1, 2013

HSC, the economy and Recycle Clarksville

One of the things about doing business in a city with a transient population is that you have to flexible and adaptable. The military cycles of deployment and PCS'ing definitely impact our business. They present both challenges and opportunities. Like most things that impact you, it depends on how you both interpret and respond to it that determines whether it becomes an opportunity or an obstacle.

The recent decision of Hemlock to lay off 300 employees in Clarksville has definitely affected our business. We are having a significant amount of people canceling service. Whether it is relocation, new budgets, or just general uneasiness about the economy, we are experiencing a significant "opportunity" here at Recycle Clarksville. I have chosen to see this as an opportunity in several ways.

1. It puts pressure on us to provide a higher quality of service.
2. It motivates us to become more proactive in advertising.
3. It is forcing us to slim up our operating budget and become more efficient.

In spite of the advantages we are squeezing out of this situation, I am still mindful of the people and families that actually moved to Clarksville just to work for/with HSC. They are facing significantly greater challenges than Recycle Clarksville at this time, so my heart goes out to them.

We press on here at Recycle Clarksville because, in the end, it is not just about the money for us. We are motivated by a moral obligation to provide convenient and affordable curbside pick up to Clarksville. Yes, we get paid to do it, but if you think we are getting rich off this gig, just take a look at our equipment. We are definitely not going big time with this. We would like to, but the capital and revenue is just not there. That being said, it is enormously rewarding to be able to make recycling more accessible in the city. I get a lot of satisfaction when I think about how much "trash" is being diverted away from the landfill because of what we, and our customers, are doing. The ultimate payment is in the pursuit of our values. 

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